Jude Bellingham was unveiled as a new Real Madrid player on Thursday. The British midfielder has posed with the 14 European Cups and his new shirt (number 5). In his first appearance as a Real Madrid player, the English player revealed that Jesus Vallejo gave him the number, which he chose because of his admiration for Zinedine Zidane. He also wanted to publicly thank the Aragonese central defender for that.
"I'd like to thank Vallejo for giving me the number 5. I spoke to him, he's a great guy and I'm very grateful. I greatly admire Zidane and it's a number that inspires me," Bellingham revealed, before explaining his admiration for Zidane: "It's a great honor to wear his number. He's an extraordinary person and I respect him a lot. He's a player I've valued and admired a lot. I try to follow my path and be at the level of the number", he confessed on his first day as a Real Madrid player.