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Rudiger uses World Cup money to fund 11 surgeries for children in Sierra Leone
Source: Marca

Despite being born and raised in Germany, Antonio Rudiger is of Sierra Leonean descent.

According to Marca, the Real Madrid defender will pay for 11 Sierra Leonean children's surgeries. The professional athlete from Germany has donated his World Cup bonus to this good cause.

Patients with congenital club feet, a condition in which the sole of the foot is facing backward, will be treated with the "extremely complex" surgeries.

"It hurts to see the conditions in which children in Sierra Leone are growing up," Rudiger told Marca.

"During surgery, the misalignment is corrected before the patients are finally able to walk and participate in social life, after several months of follow-up treatment.

"I have been given opportunities in Germany that many people in Sierra Leone are denied. I am grateful for these opportunities and I greatly appreciate the privileged situation I am in.

"Helping here is a matter of honor for me. I would like to implement many more projects in Sierra Leone with my family in the future."
